Hanno pubblicato un report molto interessante, “The Future is Now ” sulla rivoluzione digitale nei sistemi sanitari


per chi non  conoscesse il King’s Fund riporto qualche informazione dal sito 

la nascita…

The King’s Fund was formed in 1897 as an initiative of the then Prince of Wales to allow for the collection and distribution of funds in support of the hospitals of London. Its initial purpose was to raise money for London’s voluntary hospitals, which at that time offered the only health services available to poor people in the capital. It also ensured that the contributions raised flowed towards those hospitals in greatest need.

i giorni odierni

In July 2008, HM the Queen granted a Royal Charter for The King’s Fund which in effect gave us a new set of governance arrangements, which include a modern version of our original objectives. In January 2009 the King Edward VII Hospital Fund for London transferred its assets to the new Royal Charter body, The King’s Fund

In an ever-changing world, our independence and expertise remain at the heart of what we do. In working to secure better health and health care for all, these qualities enable us to play a special role in shaping policy, developing effective practice, and supporting individuals and organisations.

We aim to exercise influence at all levels -from national policy-makers, to frontline staff delivering care in hospitals and in the community.